Aesthetics Specialist - VIANA SkinByLaura Medical Grade Skin Care

Copper Valley Integrative Medicine & Aesthetics

Laura Moncada, FNP-C

Concierge Medicine & Aesthetics located in Tucson, AZ

Skin is an investment not an expense and it will represent you for a long time so investing in it is important. Clear, glowing skin is often associated with youth and vitality. If you’re struggling to develop a skin care routine that gives you the results you want, experienced nurse practitioner Laura Moncada who obtained her aesthetic training through The International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine, can devise a regimen that matches your needs. To schedule a skin care consultation, call the office or request an appointment online today.

Aesthetics Q&A

Why is skin care important?

Your skin is one of the largest organs in your body and serves as your first line of defense against the outside elements. Taking good care of your skin is important for your overall health. When your skin is healthy and strong you’re better protected against germs, disease, and injury. 

Dedicated to helping you live your best life, Mrs. Moncada at Copper Valley Integrative Medicine & Aesthetics understands the important role your skin plays in protecting your overall health and wellness. 

To support your health needs, she offers skin care consultations and aesthetic treatments focused on improving the look, health, and strength of your skin.

And by improving your skin’s appearance, Mrs. Moncada’s skin care treatments may also boost your self-esteem and self-confidence and lift your mood. 

How do I know what skin care products are best for me?

Mrs. Moncada has completed additional training and is certified in aesthetic medicine. This means she can design a skin care regimen that meets your skin needs and aesthetic goals using her affordable, medical-grade skin care line using VIANA SkinByLaura.

When you come in for a skin care consultation, Mrs. Moncada takes her time listening to your skin concerns and ultimate skin and health goals. She then evaluates your skin and develops an individualized skin care treatment plan that matches your needs. 

Microneedling with Exosomes, chemical peels, therapeutic face masks, dermaplaning, Botox®, Red Light Therapy, Botox and fillers.

Taking good care of your skin is an important part of your wellness routine. To learn more about the skin care products and treatments available at Copper Valley Integrative Medicine & Aesthetics, call the office or use the online booking feature to schedule an appointment today.  


Also referred to as collagen-induction therapy, microneedling is an aesthetic treatment that supports your skin’s revitalizing powers. Aesthetic expert Laura Moncada, FNP-C, at Copper Valley Integrative Medicine & Aesthetics in Tucson, Arizona, offers microneedling with cosmetic Exosomes to reduce the appearance of your fine lines and wrinkles, as well as diminish the appearance of acne scars. 

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that uses a special device equipped with thin, tiny needles that create tiny punctures in the surface layer of your skin.

These punctures simulate an injury, which triggers your skin’s revitalizing process and increases the production of collagen and elastin.

Collagen and elastin are the proteins in your skin responsible for its youthful strength and resilience. By initiating the production of these proteins, microneedling creates firmer, smoother, and more even-toned skin.

Mrs. Moncada may recommend microneedling as an aesthetic treatment for your:

  • Acne scars
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Sun spots
  • Large pores

Though microneedling is most often used to treat the face, Mrs. Moncada can use the skin revitalizing tool to treat any part of your body and may suggest it as a solution for your stretch marks.

What can I expect during microneedling?

Mrs. Moncada performs your microneedling at the office. Before she begins your treatment, she may first apply a topical anesthetic to reduce your discomfort during your cosmetic treatment. She then cleans your skin with an antibacterial agent and begins the microneedling process. Depending on what is being treated will depend on how long the procedure will be, once Mrs. Moncada has a treatment plan in mind for you she will let you know how much time it will take. You may experience some redness after your session, but these side effects should subside within a few days following your treatment.

What are Cosmeceutical Exosomes?

Cosmetic Exosomes treatments are based on the most cutting-edge biotech breakthrough for skin rejuvenation.  Exosomes are responsible for cell to cell communication and facilitate the transfer of RNA and proteins that make collagen and elastin.  This Regenerative Complex has an intensive dual action formula that absorbs quickly into the skin to deliver the concentrated power of potent growth factors, peptides, coenzymes, minerals, amnio acids and vitamins.  It contains paraben free, steroid free and hypoallergenic ingredients that are clinically proven to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin. They have been clinically proven to improve signs of aging, dehydration, wrinkles, laxity, uneven texture and large pores.  They take your aesthetic treatments like microneedling and chemical peels to the next level!  It’s recommended for the best results to have 3-5 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart.

Chemical Peels

From age spots to acne, chemical peels erase many common skin concerns to improve your complexion. At Copper Integrative Medicine & Aesthetics, Laura Moncada, FNP-C, develops personalized chemical peel treatments to match your specific skin concerns. 

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peels are a cosmetic treatment Mrs. Moncada offers to treat many common skin concerns and improve your skin’s appearance. She may recommend chemical peels as an aesthetic treatment for your:

  • Acne
  • Age spots
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Freckles
  • Melasma
  • Dry, rough skin

Mrs. Moncada applies the custom-designed chemical solution to your skin and the active ingredients cause your skin to exfoliate and peel off, revealing the younger, healthier skin underneath.

What are the different types of chemical peels?

Chemical peels are divided into three categories based on the degree of exfoliation they provide. The types include:

Light peel

The light peel, also referred to as a lunchtime or superficial chemical peel, is comprised of a mild acidic solution that gently exfoliates the top layer of your skin. This peel can erase mild pigmentation and refresh your look.

Medium peel

The medium chemical peel contains a stronger acidic solution for a deeper exfoliation. You may benefit from a medium peel to diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles, age spots, and freckles. 

Deep peel

The deep peel contains a strong acid aimed at removing the damaged skin cells from the top and middle layers of your skin. This peel may improve the appearance of moderate lines, shallow scars, and skin discoloration.

Mrs. Moncada custom-designs your chemical peel based on your specific skin condition and aesthetic goals. 

Dermaplaning clinical facial treatment

Is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the Epidermis and ridding the skin of the fine vellus hairs (peach fuzz). As long as the hair is superficial vellus hair, it will grow back at the same rate as before the treatment. Removing the epidermal skin allows products to penetrate more readily into the deeper layers. Appropriate nutrients and a growth factor mask will be applied to nourish, hydrate and calm the skin.

Therapeutic masks

Our masks hydrate, detoxify, illuminate, and calm the face. Depending of your specific challenges the right combination of nutrients, growth factors, antioxidants and hydrating support can treat fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, texture, and sun damage. 

